It's hurting so much!  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I don't know where to begin or what to begin with or who to begin with. The main point is it's hurt so much. I feel like rubbish when compare to other people. Why I have to face in this sucks life. People hate me? Why? I want to know why!!! They cover themselves with masks and be nice to me but 'kill' me from back? What kind of person is that. Why did everybody need to be hypocrite. Is it some kind of culture, religion or inhereditary disease? Such a lame thing to be practice. I'm totally in pain, pain that I've been collect for all these years. Where do I have to throw all this pain? Do I have to sunk it in the sea or buried it on top of the hill or burn it into ashes and dust? I don't know the answer. If I know I wouldn't be in this kind of pain. It's totally excruciating!!!

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