Mother's day?  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother' Day... Remind me again why did we celebrate it? I'm not a mother so, maybe I don't see the beauty or the function of mother's day. But, in my deep opinion, today is not a mother's day. Why did we worship our mother for only one day? Why we wish our mother for one day? And why did we bought present for our mother for only this day? Nothing special about the second Sunday of June. I love my mother although she always said I don't love her. With all my heart, even though my heart is just an inch in size or even though there is no heart in my body when I'm dead, I LOVE MY MOTHER VERY MUCH. Nothing can change that. Even though when I have a misunderstanding with my mother, I still love her after both of us cool down which never took more than 30 minutes. It's human nature to hate or to angry but when we cool down and can think again, it's not hate that stay in our heart but love. Hate is easy to nurture and love is hard to fade away. So, again, why did we celebrate our mother for only one day? Why not 7 days, 30 days or 365 days? I hate mother's day because it's only one day but I do love my mom. Mom, even though you won't read this, I just want the world to know that I love you very much. Maybe when I become a mom, I'll start to appreciate mother's day. I said maybe...

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